Re: flash
Fri, 19 Aug 1994 15:35:40 +0000

>If you are concerned about people sending bad things to your screen
>then you should also take a look at syslogd which allows anyone to send
>a message to all users logged in (talkd only lets you disrupt one
>person at a time).

As far as I know, your users can only be bothered by syslogd if you
have an '*' in the destination field.  SunOS has the following
by default:

*.emerg;user.none                               *
user.emerg                                      *

Changing the *'s in the right field to somethine else like /dev/null, or
commenting out the fields entirely will disable this "feature".
Are these fields used for anything anyway?
(and don't forget to disable rwalld from your inetd.conf!)

Of course this doesn't prevent someone from filling up your disk
with syslog data.